Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

8 Parts of Speech

- Bhs. Inggris - 

1.   Noun
       Singular & Plural
       Countable >< Uncountable noun
2.   Personal Pronoun
       Subject; Object; Possesive à I, me, my, mine
3.   Verb
       Regular & Irregular
4.   Adverb
       Advertive + ly  à I write the letter slowly
5.   Adjective
       Positif; Comparatif; Superlatif
       Ex. I am a good student; He is better in mathematics; She is the most diligent student in the class (biasa; lebih; ter-)
6.   Preposition (keterangan posisi)
       In; On; Off; Up; Down; etc.
7.   Conjuction (penghubung)
       But; And; So; Or; etc.
8.   Interjection (kata seru)
       Verb + Preposition
       Ex. Show-up! dan Watch out!

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