Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Introduction Distributed System

Introduction Part 1 .. (English edition)

Definition of ... :
  • Coulouris, et al  :  communicate and coordinate their actions only by passing messages.
  • Andrew Tanenbaum : A collection of independent computers that appear to the users as a single coherent system, autonomous computers connected by a network, software specifically designed to provide an integrated computing facility.
  • Leslie Lamport : You know you have a distributed system when the crash of a computer you’ve never heard of stops you from getting any work done. 
A broader definition : 
  • A collection of processors executing independent instruction streams that communicate and synchronize their actions.
  • Communication may be done via messages or shared memory.
  • Includes multi-process and multithreaded programs running on a monolithic multiprocessor hardware
Picture of distributed system :
  1. The Internet
  2. An Intranet 
  3. Mobile Device

Examples of Distributed Systems : 
  • Distributed Multimedia Systems (Teleconferencing and Distance learning )
  • Cellular phone systems
  • IP Telephony
  • Flight management system in an aircraft
  • Automotive control systems (50+ embedded processors in a Mercedes S-class)
  • Distributed file systems (NFS, Samba)
  • P2P file sharing
  • The World Wide Web 

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