Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Introduction Distributed System (2)

Introduction Part 2 .. (English edition)

Reasons and Properties  for Distributing Systems,

Distributing Systems is A collection of processors executing independent instruction streams that communicate and synchronize their actions. Communication may be done via messages or shared memory. and  includes multi-process and multithreaded programs running on a monolithic multiprocessor hardware.

Reasons for Distributing Systems
  • The need to share data across remote geographies
    • Online Encyclopedia Britannica is accessed by users all over the world
    • Computer users in different geographies send messages to each other
  • Replication of processing power
    • Independent processors working on the same task
    • Distributed systems consisting of collections of microcomputers may have processing power of a large supercomputer 
  • Use of heterogeneous components
    • Compute-intensive sub-tasks of a problem are run on powerful computers
    • Less resource-demanding sub-tasks run on less powerful computers
    • More efficient use of resources
  • Cost of hardware and management
    • A collection of cheap computers may be less expensive than one large supercomputer
    • Small simple computers may be easier to manage than one large one
  • Administrative/functional issues
    • Payroll database is separate from registrar’s database
    • Each is managed according to the needs of the organization
    • Each is equipped with hardware that answers the needs of an organization
  • Resilience to failures
    • If one component fails, others can proceed with work on the task
  • Scalability
    • The system can be extended by adding more components (i.e., WWW)

Properties for Distributing Systems

  • Heterogeneity : Systems consist of heterogeneous hardware and software components
  • Concurrency : Multiple programs run together
  • Shared data  : Data is accessed simultaneously by multiple entities
  • No global clock : Each component has a local notion of time
  • Interdependencies : Independent components depend on each other

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