Senin, 24 Januari 2022

Expressing and Agreement/ Disagreement (Ungkapan Persetujuaan dan Ketidaksetujuan)

 Ungkapan Persetujuan

- I agree with your opinion.

- I can go along with that.

- I think so.

- That's what I want to say.

- I am with you.

- I am on your/ His side.

- I buy that idea.

- I like your idea.

Ungkapan Tidak Setuju

- I disagree with you.

- I am not with you.

- I can't go along with you.

- I don't think so.

- I wouldn't say that.

- No, I don't like the idea.


1. Lisa: What shall we do for the next holiday?

    Wita: I have no idea.

    Lisa: What about having a trip to Lake Toba, Wita?

    Wita: It's too far I think.

    Narrator: What are the speakers talking about?

    Jawaban, Planning to spend a holiday.

2. Lisa: What should we give to Nia on her birthday? Should we give her a kind of doll which most girls like?

    Wita: I don't think so. She prefers boys activities, you know. 

    Lisa: Um.. what if we buy her a chessboard?

    Wita: Good idea.

    Narrator: What are the speakers buy for Nia?

    Jawaban, a chessboard

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