Jumat, 21 Januari 2022

Expressing Capability/ Incapability (Ungkapan kemampuan atau ketidak mampuan)

Capability artinya kemampuan dalam melakukan suatu hal.

Capable artinya mempunyai kemampuan (an adjective of persons).

Incapability berarti tidak dapat atau tidak mampu, tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu. 

Ungkapan Capability:

- Although my father is 60 years old, he still capable of driving car well.

- The situation is capable of improvement.

- They think I have the qualifications needed for this job.

- Andi is able to draw anything well.

Ungkapan Incapability

- You don't know anything about making a good writting.

- I don't think you have the ability to do this work.

- They are not able to play basketball well.

- I am incapble of speaking French.

- The girl know nothing about chemistry.


Susi: There's something wrong with my computer. Can you fix it, Tom?

Tom: Oh, I am sorry. I know nothing about it. But let me phone the computer technician.

Narrator: What will the man do?

Jawaban, Tom call the computer technician

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