Minggu, 23 Januari 2022

Expressing Pleasure/ Displeasure (Ungkapan kesenangan/ ketidak senangan)

 Ungkapan kesenangan:

- I'm so happy hearing the news.

- I feel delighted/ excited.

- How happy to meet you here.

- I'm very pleased with the services.

- It's a pleasure to be with you again.

Ungkapan ketidak senangan:

- I feel bad about this.

- I'm really sad to see the situation.

- The customers feel unpleased with the restaurant's services.

- The jokes didn't make me happy at all.


Girl: Guess what! Our team has won the Physics Olympiad!

Boy: Wow! It's really good news. 

Narrator: What does the girl talk about?

Jawaban, The Physics Olympiad.

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