Selasa, 18 Januari 2022

Expressing Obligation/ Non Obligation (Ungkapan keharusan atau ketidakharusan)

Contoh  Ungkapan Keharusan:

- All students must obey the school rules.

- You must submit your assignment next week.

- If you want to pass the exam, you must study hard.

- You're sick. You have to see the doctor.

- Your mother said that you had to go home now.

Contoh  Ungkapan Ketidak harusan:

- I don't have to go home soon.

- You don't have to return my book immediately.

- We don't have to do observation for the assignment

- The workers must not have lunch at the canteen.

- The child doesn't have to do all the housework by himself.


Nita: Dian, what is our task?

Dian: Well, we must interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temple.

Nita: Should we interview a certain number of them?

Dian: Well, about two or three are enough.

Nita: Should we present the result orally or in written?

Dian: Orally. (secara lisan)

Nita: Okay. Thanks then.

Narrator: What is TRUE about the task.


      It is an interview task.

      They should present the task orally.

      The student shoul interview some foreigners.

      They should do the task in Prambanan Temple.

      The should interview two or three foreigners as possible.

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