Jumat, 30 November 2018

Match The words

The sentences:
1. To make somebody knight
2. To produce sound from (a brass instrument, etc)
3. A person, animal, or plant that is much smaller than usual
4. Deserving, effort, respect, etc
5. To give up
6. A man to whom title 'Sir' has been given
7. An old large building with thick walls
8. A protective metal covering the whole body in a battle
9. A piece of metal held with one hand, to protect the body when fighting
10. A man or a friend
11. A story based on the facts but having been exaggerated when retold by story telles
12. A popular story handed down orally from past generation
13. A story with something of which is hidden or impossible to understand
14. A story about small imaginary being with supernatural power
15. Animals short tale which are not based on fact

The words :
a. a knight (n)
b. a castle
c. a dwarf
d. a shield
e. a fellow
f. to surrender
g. to blow
h. worthy
i. to knight (v)
j. armor
k. a folktale
l. fairy tales
m. legend
n. fable
o. mystery

Kamis, 29 November 2018

Speech Function - Inviting Someone

Several ways to invite someone:

* Would you like to join us?
* Do you want to come to the party?
* Come and have a look, Reza.
* Would you care to visit ... ?
* Is there any chance of ... ?

Here are some expressions used to accept  invitation:

Rabu, 28 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Conjunction

We commonly join words, phrases or sentences together in a narrative. The words to join clauses are called conjunctions.

e.g. :

  • I hang the poor creature untill it was dead.
  • I soon began to dislike the cat  because it often stared at me with a strange and hatred look.
  • After my wife had been buried in the wall, the police came to my house.

Task : Join up the following sentences using the suitable conjunctions, leaving out words where necessary.

Selasa, 27 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Relative Clause

Relative Clause : who, whom, which, while, when, where

Relative clauses are non-essential parts of a sentence. They may add meaning, but if they are removed, the sentence will still function grammatically. There are two broad types of relative clauses in English. It is important to distinguish between them because it affects the choice of pronoun used to introduce the clause. There is a more detailed page about preposition placement in relative clauses.

Task : Join the following sentences using conjunctions or relative pronouns where it is suitable.
e.g. :
We went to the bookshop. The bookshop is in a shopping complex. The bookshop near our house was closed.
We went to the bookshop which is in a shopping complex because the bookshop near our house was closed.

Senin, 26 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Present/ Past Participle

Participle adalah bentuk turunan dari kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan sebagai kata sifat atau untuk membuat kalimat tenses. 

Contoh participle dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bored dan boring. Kedua kata ini berasal dari kata kerja “bore” yang artinya membuat bosan.
  • She is bored in the class. (dia bosan di dalam kelas tersebut)
  • He is a boring teacher. (Dia adalah guru yang membosankan)

Di dalam bahasa Inggris, ada dua bentuk participle, yaitu Present participle dan Past participle.

Minggu, 25 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Adverbs

Adverb adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan verb (kata kerja), adjective(kata sifat), atau adverb lain.

Contoh Fungsi Adverb:
  • mendeskripsikan verb
    e.g. : I completely agree with you. 
  • mendeskripsikan adjective e.g. : The room was good enough for me
  • mendeskripsikan adverb lain
    e.g. : She speaks really fast.
Macam - Macam Adverbs:

a. Adverb of Manner (cara)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan cara suatu tindakan dilakukan atau bagaimana suatu peristiwa terjadi. Adverb of manner seringnya berakhiran -ly, namun ada juga yang berbentuk sama dengan adjective dan/atau memiliki bentuk irregular pada comparative dan superlative form-nya.

How (bagaimana) dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan adverb of manner.

Contoh percakapan:
Fadlan: How did he greet you?
Reza: Enthusiastically!

Adverb of manner dapat menempati berbagai macam posisi di dalam kalimat, yaitu:
  • Setelah main verb jika tidak ada direct object
    He always drives fast. (Dia selalu mengemudi dengan cepat.)
  • Setelah main verb + object (transitive verb)He read the instructions carefully. (Dia membaca instruksi dengan hati-hati.)
  • Diantara auxiliary verb dengan main verbThings will slowly come together. (Segalanya akan secara perlahan menjadi baik.)
contoh kata, 
banyak adverb of manner merupakan -ly adverb yang diperoleh dengan menambahkan -ly pada adjective (kata sifat): 
  • accidentally (dengan tak sengaja)
  • angrily (dengan marah)
    e.g.: He was behaving angrily.
  • automatically (secara otomatis)
    e.g.: My computer shuts down automatically.
  • awkwardly (dengan canggung)
  • beautifully (dengan cantik)
  • calmly (dengan tenang)
  • carefully (secara hati-hati)e.g.: Student were listening to lecture carefully before they fill the form.
  • carelessly (secara sembarangan)e.g.: Sara is driving carelessly.
  • clearly (dengan jelas)
  • correctly (dengan benar)
  • elegantly (secara elegan)
  • enthusiastically (dengan autusias)
  • exactly (dengan tepat)
  • fast (dengan cepat)
  • fluently (dengan lancar)e.g.: I can speak English fluently. (Saya dapat berbicara bahasa inggris dengan lancar.)
  • frankly (secara terus terang)
  • gently (secara lembut)e.g.: Wipe your LCD screen gently.
  • greedily (dengan lahap)
  • happily (dengan bahagia)e.g.: They are living happily in small village.
  • hard (dengan keras)e.g.: He wanted to know the difference between working hard and working smart.
  • healthily (secara sehat)
  • inadequately (secara tidak memadai)
  • mysteriously (secara misterius)
  • neatly (dengan rapi)
  • nicelye.g.: She completed her work nicely.
  • openly (secara terbuka)
  • painfully (dengan menyakitkan)
  • patiently (dengan sabar)
  • poorly (dengan buruk)
  • promptly (dengan cepat)
  • quickly (dengan cepat)e.g.: My mother got up early and cooked breakfast quickly.
  • rarely (jarang)
  • regularly (dengan teratur)
  • seriously (dengan serius)
  • slowly (dengan lambat)
  • successfully (dengan sukses)
  • suddenly (secara tiba-tiba)
  • sympatheticallye.g.: She treats the kids sympathetically.
  • tenderly (dengan lembut)
  • thoughtly (dengan serius)
  • together (bersama-sama)e.g.: Let’s have lunch together.
  • unexpectedly (dengan tidak diduga-duga)
  • well (dengan baik)e.g.: It’s important to chew your food well. (Mengunyah makananmu dengan baik itu penting.)
  • wisely (dengan bijak)
Untuk adjective yang sudah berakhiran -ly, adverbial of manner (single-adverb dan konstruksi selain single-adverb yang berfungsi sebagai adverb) dapat dibentuk menggunakan prepositional phrase in … a way dan like …
  • in a friendly way (dengan cara yang bersahabat)
    e.g.: He smiled in a friendly way. (Dia tersenyum dengan ramah.)
  • in a lovely way (dengan cara yang indah)
  • in a silly way (dengan cara konyol)
  • like a child (seperti anak-anak)
    e.g.: I don’t know why some adults act like a child. (Saya tidak tahu kenapa sebagian orang dewasa bertingkah seperti anak-anak.)
  • like a crazy person (seperti orang gila)
  • like a single man (seperti pria lajang)
  • like a politician (seperti politisi)

b. Adverb of Place & Direction (tempat & arah)

adverb (kata keterangan) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat dan arah terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. Adapula adverbial berupa prepositional phrase (berupa preposition of place) yang dapat berfungsi seperti adverb of place.
Where dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menunjukkan adverb of place and direction.

here, somewhere
He is watching the football match there.
(Dia sedang menonton pertandingan sepakbola disana.)

Contoh Adverb (ial) of Place and Direction : 
  • here (di sini/ke sini)
    there (di sana/ke sana)
    He is watching the football match there.
    Students were coming here.
  • in... (di ... )
    Alma works in Bandung for a while.
  • north (utara)
    south (selatan)
    east (timur)
    west (barat)
    My apartment faces north. (Apartemen saya menghadap utara.)
  • north of… (utara dari…)
    south of… (selatan dari…)
    east of… (timur dari…)
    west of ... (barat dari ...)
    They built a house ten miles west of Cilegon. 
  • to ... (ke ...)
    I’m on a flight to Jakarta.
  • above (di atas)
    upstairs (di atas)
    below (di bawah)
    back (di belakang)
    around (sekeliling)
    The jet plane flew above.
  • away (jauh)
    near (dekat)
    She lives away from her parents.
    Kids are playing near the house.
  • outside (diluar)
    inside (didalam)
    Some is talking outside.
    Please come inside.
  • somewhere (di suatu tempat)
    everywhere (dimana-mana)
    You can find the mineral water everywhere.
    They live somewhere in Paris.

c. Adverb of Time (waktu)

Adverb yang digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau suatu peristiwa.

When dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menunjukkan adverb of time.
Fadlan: When did you last see her?
Reza: It's Yesterday.

  • two days ago (dua hari lalu),
    a month ago (satu bulan lalu)
     I met her two days ago.
  • already (sudah) 
  • before dark, before midnight (sebelum gelap, sebelum tengah malam) 
  • early (awal; sebelum waktunya) 
  • finally (akhirnya; setelah waktu yang lama) 
  • from … to/until … (dari…sampai) 
  • in the 20th century (abad keduapuluh),
    in the past (di masa lalu) 
  • last tuesday/week/month/year (selasa/minggu/bulan/tahun lalu)
     I received a package from Arifin last week.
  • later (nanti) 
  • next week/month/year (minggu/bulan/tahun depan) 
  • now (sekarang)
     Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm diving. 
  • recently (baru saja)
     He recently discovered that his committed partner has been deceiving him. (Dia baru-baru ini menemukan bahwa rekannya yang berkomitmen telah menipunya.)
  • since 1983 (sejak 1983),
    since yesterday (sejak kemarin)
     The factory has opered since 1983
  • then (pada saat itu (di masa lalu atau masa depan))
     She was poor then. (Dia miskin pada saat itu.)
  • today (hari ini, pada saat ini) 
  • tomorrow (besok), tomorrow morning (besok pagi)
     They're arriving tomorrow.
  • tonight (malam ini) 
  • yesterday (kemarin),
    yesterday morning/afternoon/night (kemarin pagi/siang/malam)
    I met him yesterday.
    It rained heavily yesterday afternoon, but tonight the sky is clear.
  • soon
     Reza will come soon.
  • still (tetap)
     I am still waiting for my friend.

Task : Arrange the adverbs normally in MPT/ PMT (Manner, Place, Time) Position. 
  • Daily (weekly,regularly, often, each Tuesday, etc.etc.) is not an adjective of time, it is an adjective of manner - it tells you how it is done, not when:
      I go to the gym regularly/daily at two o'clock. (PMT)
      ........ place.............manner...........time
  • The order "Manner, Place, Time" (which I always thought was Place, Manner, Time) usually concerns adjuncts and is the generalized standard version and does not take into account emphasis, which is created when one of the elements is taken out of the default order.
      I went to London by train in the evening. - Normal version (PMT)
      in the evening, I went to London by train - emphasising what was done in the evening. (TPM)
      I went by train in the evening to London - emphasising the destination. (MTP)
      I went by train to London in the evening - emphasising the method of travel. (MPT)

  1. Joko worked (at his office, yesterday, very hard)
    MPT : Joko worked very hard at his office yesterday.
    PMT : Joko worked at his office very hard yesterday.
  2. Dony arrived (at 7 p.m, in Jakarta, on Saturday, by train)
    MPT : Dony arrived by train in Jakarta at 7 p.m on Saturday.
    PMT : Dony arrived in Jakarta by train at 7 p.m on Saturday.
    On Saturday,  Dony arrived in Jakarta by train at 7 p.m.
  3. Our teacher spoke to us (rudely, during the first session, in front of the class)
    MPT : Our teacher spoke to us rudely in front of the class during the first session.
    PMT : Our teacher spoke to us in front of the class rudely during the first session.
  4. She went (at 6 O'clock, this morning, to school, hurriedly)
    MPT : She went hurriedly to school at 6 o'clock this morning.
    PMT : She went to school hurriedly at 6 o'clock this morning.
  5. The bomb exploded (in this place, loudly, at 5 O'clock, on Sunday, last summer)
    MPT : The bomb exploded loudly in this place at 5 o'clock on Sunday last summer.
    PMT : The bomb exploded in this place loudly at 5 o'clock  on Sunday last summer.
    Last summer, a bomb exploded in this place loudly on Sundayat 5 o'clock. 

Sabtu, 24 November 2018

Independent Contruction of Text

Story Retelling
1. Tell to your friends about a pourquoi tale that you remember.
2. Remember a history tale that you have read recently and tell it to your friends.
3. Don't forget to use the gambits of retelling a story.



Narrative deals with problematic events which lead to crisis or turning point of some kind (climax), which in turn finds a resolution.


  • to amuse or to entertain.
  • to deal with actual vicarious experience in different ways.
Text Structure
  • Orientation : Who/ What, When, Where
  • Compilaction : What problem didthe character have?
  • Resolution : How was the problem solved?
Language Features
  • Focus on specific and individualized participants.
  • Use of material processes. (action verbs)
  • Use some of behavioural and verbal processes.
  • Use of relational processes and mental processes.
  • Use of past tenses.
  • Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances.

Jumat, 23 November 2018


Read the advertisement below. What is it about?
Answer the questions.

Annual Sale
This Week Only

Save 40%

Men and women's clothing :
Shirt, coats, and sweater, jeans, shoes.

Jewelery :
Watches, rings, earrings, necklaces

Furniture :
Leather sofas, dining tables and chairs, bookcases.

Luggage : 
Bags and briefcases

Casanova's is on Jl. Kenanga 84
Open from 09:00 a.m to 09:00 p.m.

Kamis, 22 November 2018


Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs. (past tense)


One bright and sunny day, I ... (feel) like going fishing, so I packed what I need fishing rod, hooks, weights, and of course, worms for bait.

When I reached the jetty, I ... (put) a worm on the hook and ... (throw) the line in and waited for the fish to bite. I was dissapointed when I did not catch anything after waiting for three hours.

I ... (pull) in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. The fish was so small that I didn't feel any tug on the line.

I was even more surprised when the fish ... (start) to talk, "Let me go or I will turn you into a frog!" I was so stared at it. The next moment, I was already a frog .... ribit, ribit!

Combine the two sentences with Relative clause!
a. We saw some people. Their car had broken down.
b. Johan is very friendly. He lives next door.

Join up each the following pair of sentences, using present participle or past participle!
a. I was sitting om the garden. Suddenly, I gota new idea.
b. He was weakened by his cancer. He felt sure that he would die soon.

Join up the following sentences using suitable conjunctions.
a. Father was so happy about his promotion. He promised to take us to an expensive restaurant.
b. All the members of the parliament applauded. The president was walking to his seat.

Fadlan : Will you go to the movie with me tonight?
Ajis : I'd love to but I don't think I can. There's so much homework to do.
The underlined sentences is usedto express ...

Rabu, 21 November 2018


Multiple Choice

1. Ann : What did you feel when you entered ghist house?
    Ali : I was ...
    a. so happy
    b. crazy
    c. confused
    d. annoyed
    e. so afraid 

2. We must change the way cities spend their money. The synonym of underlined word is ...
    a. alter
    b. make up
    c. form
    d. return
    e. hold

3. Ann : Ferry, what is your opinion about her birthday party?
    Ferry : ....
    a. In my opinion, the party is interesting.
    b. I think the party is celebrated every year.
    c. I don't think about that.
    d. I think that is not my business.
    e. Yes,I agree with you.

4. Ann : Rin, what wereypu doing when I phoned your mother last night?
    Rini : I ... TV.
    a. am watching
    b. was watching
    c. have watched
    d. will watch
    e. watch

5. He knows only a little English, ... he is able to do good business.
    a. unless
    b. since
    c. but
    d. moreover
    e. therefore

6. ... Fadlan seldom attends classes, he is always one of the best students in class.
    a. whenever
    b. since
    c. if
    d. although
    e. because

7. Did I tell you about the girl ... I met during the student demontration last week?
    a. who
    b. whose
    c. whom
    d. of which
    e. with whom

8. The lady ... this letter is addressed has moved to another city.
    a. who
    b. to which
    c. to whom
    d. which
    e. whom

9. ... a few thousand dollars, he went on a tout to Europe.
    a. having saved
    b. he has saved
    c. after he saves
    d. have saved
    e. saved

10. Reza : Please wait here, honey. I'll try to find some help down there.
    Rini : Don't leave me alone! .......
    a. I'm happy to be here.
    b. I's so afraid to be here
    c. I'm so disappointed
    d. I'm so embarrased
    e. I like the idea

Jumat, 16 November 2018

Text Modelling 'King Grisly-bread'


Once upon a tme there was a great king of a land far away in the East. He had a very beutiful daughter who was so proud, naughty, and conceited. She liked to make fun of any prince who asked her to be his wife.

One day the old king held a great feast and invited all his daughter's suitors. They all sat in a row, according to their ranking and princes and dukes and earls and count and barons and knights. When the princess came in, she said something spiteful to each one as she passed them by. To a king who was there she said, " Look at him. His bread is like an old mop, He shall be called grisly-beard. "

The old king was very angry to this daughter, for she behaved very badly, towards his guest. He vowed that willing or unwilling, she would marry the first man that came to his door.

Two days later, a travelling fiddler came by the castle. He began to play under the window and begged for money, The king asked him to come in and sing. After singing, the fiddler begged for a gift. The king said, " You have sung so well that I will give you my daughter to take as your wife. " The pincess refused but the old king said, " I have sworn to give you to the first man who came to the door, and I will keep my word. "


Thus, the fiddler left the castle, and took the princess with him as his wife. The lived poorly in a small cottage. The fiddler pushed his wife to do household work but she knew nothing about it. Then, he set her up in a trade in pots and pans. Again, it was all in vain. Finally, the fiddler found a job as a kitchen maid for his wife in a king's palace. She helped the cook to do all the dirties work. She was allowed to carry home some of the meat that was left over, and they lived on that.

One day, as she was leaving the court of home, the king's son in his golden clothes come in. Seeing such a beutiful woman at the door, he took her by the hand and said that she should be his partner as the dance. She was suprised and trembled with fear because she saw that it was King Grisley-beard, who was making fun her. She tired to run away but King Grisley-beard overtook her, brought her back and said, " Fear me not! I am the fiddler who has lived with you in the hut. I brought you there because I truly loved you. I have done all this only to cure you of your silly pride and to show you the folly of your ill treatment if me. Now, it's all over! You have learnt wisdom and it's time to hold marriage feast. "


Thus, a grand feast was held, attend by her father and his whole court. Joy was in every face and every heart.

ask this question:

Jumat, 09 November 2018

Text Modelling "Timothy"


Timothy was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil, he did not like haveing to do his homework, because he preferred to do other things in his free time. Frequently, he didn't do his homework and when did do it, he always made a lot of mistakes.

Then one day, his mathematics teacher looked at Timothy's homework and saw that he got all his sums right. He was very pleased and rather suprised. He called Timothy to his desk and said to him, you got all your homework right this time, Timothy, what happened? Did your father help you?

Usually Timothy's father did help him with his homework, but the evening before this, he had not been able to, because he had not been at home, so Timothy answere, " No, sir. He was busy last night. So I had to do it all by myself. "

ask the question:

Selasa, 06 November 2018

German Course for Beginners - Grammar

Personalpronomen I (Nominativ)
1. PERSONichwir
Sie (Höflichkeitsform)
Sie (Höflichkeitsform)
3. PERSONer (maskulin)
sie (feminin)
es (neutrum)

Konjugation Präsens I
1. PERSONich geh-ewir geh-en
2. PERSONdu geh-st
Sie geh-en
ihr geh-t
Sie geh-en
3. PERSONer geh-t
sie geh-t
es geh-t
sie geh-en

Konjugation Präsens II (sein)

1. PERSONich binwir sind
2. PERSONdu bist
Sie sind
ihr seid
Sie sind
3. PERSONer ist
sie ist
es ist
sie sind

Senin, 05 November 2018

Tongue Twister

Pengucapan dalam Bahasa Inggris memang harus di latih dan di pratekan dengan rutin, seperti kata light, night, dan tonight. Pengucapannya berbeda tapi sepintas sama. Nah untuk memudahkannya di tempat les saya, kami biasa bermain permainan Tongue Twister. 

Tongue Twister merupakan permainan kata dengan pengucapan frase yang secara sengaja dibentuk dari kata-kata tertentu agar sulit di-artikulasikan atau diucapkan. Jika kamu salah mengucapkan kata-kata dalam kalimat ini biasanya menghasilkan kalimat yang lucu atau justru lidah-mu seperti terbelit.

Tongue twister bisa jadi cara seru buat melatih dan meningkatkan pengucapan kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini juga dapat membantumu meningkatkan aksen melalui alliteration atau pengulangan pada satu bunyi. Permainan ini nggak cuma buat anak-anak tapi juga banyak digunakan oleh para aktor, politikus dan public speaker dalam melatih kejelasan berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Permainan ini biasanya di sajikan dengan irama alias bernyanyi... Berikut beberapa kalimat yang sudah pernah di mainkan di kelas bahasa Inggris saya : (untuk irama bisa searching di Youtube)

Jumat, 02 November 2018

Phrasal Verb (part 03)

**Sometimes a phrasal verb is followed by a preposition**


  • Phrasal Verb : Run Away
    Preposition   :  from
    Why did you run away from me?
    (kenapa kamu menjauhi saya?)
  • Phrasal Verb  : Keep up
    Preposition   :  with
    You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.
    (kamu berjalan terlalu cepat. Saya tidak bisa tetap berjalan bersama kamu)
  • Phrasal Verb  : Look up
    Preposition   :  at
    We looked up at the plane as it flew above us.
    (Kami melihat ke atas ketika pesawat terbang diatas kami)
  • Phrasal Verb : Look forward
    Preposition   :  to
    Are you looking forward to your holiday?

**Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object**

Usually there are two possible position for the object. So you can say like this :

Phrasal Verb (part 02)

Sebagian phrasal verb dapat diartikan dari tiap kata penyusunnya (verb dan particle) atau dari kata kerjanya saja dimana particle digunakan untuk memberi penekanan arti. Sehingga tidak terlalu sulit bagi non-native learner untuk memahami frasa tersebut.

Contoh Kalimat Phrasal Verb:
  • You can put off your shoes here.
    (Kamu dapat melepas sepatumu disini.)
  • He will get into trouble if you drink alcohol.
    (Dia akan masuk ke dalam masalah jika dia minum alkohol.)
  • The man has decided to close his business down.
    (Pria itu telah memutuskan untuk menutup usahanya selamanya.)
Kita sering menggunakan verb on/ off/ out dengan kata yang menjelaskan suatu perpindahan tempat/posisi (verbs of movement). contoh:
  • Get on
    The bus was full. We couldn't get on.
  • Drive off (left)
    A woman got into the car and drove off.
  • Come back
    Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.
  • Turn around (move)
    When I touch him on the shoulder, he turned round.
Tapi beberapa kata tersebut diartikan dalam makna lain (gives a special meaning to the verb). contoh:
  • Break down
    Sorry I'm late. The car broke down. (meaning, the engine stopped working)
  • Look out
    Look out! There's a car coming. (= be careful; watch out)
  • Take off
    It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane took off. (= went into the air)
  • Get on
    How was the exam? How did you get on. (= how did you do? ; )
  • Get by
    My French isn't good, but it's enough to get by. (= manage)

Phrasal Verb (part 01)

Phrasal Verb adalah frasa yang merupakan kombinasi antara verb standar (contoh: go, make, take) dan satu atau dua particle.

Particle(s) yang digunakan dapat berupa adverb dan/atau preposition. Frasa ini sangat penting untuk dipelajari karena umum digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari native speaker dan informal written language. Poin penting dalam mempelajari frasa ini adalah memahami arti dan cara penggunaannya.

Beberapa verb yang digunakan dalam membuat kalimat Phrasal verb:
  • in
  • out
  • on
  • off

Text Modelling "Beuty and the Beast"

Once upon time, there was a beutiful girl named Beauty. She lived with her two sisters and her father in a small village. She was also a hard working girl. She always helped her father in the farm.

One day her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle. He became curious to know who lived inside and went in. While he was walking around the castle, he met nobody inside. Knowing that there was none inside, he ate the food on the table and picked the rose from the garden, for Beauty.  Then an agry beast appread and wanted to kill him unless Beauty was brought to him.

After reaching his home, Beauty's father told her to the truth. Beauty loved her father very much, so she didn't refuse what her father asked. She went to Beast's castle and lived there only with the Beast. Her groomly life had begun since then. She often tried to run away but she always successfully stopped by the Beast.

The Beast loved Beuty very much. Because of his treatment, Beauty began to like him too. One day when Beauty visiting her father in the village because of his illness, she had a dream. She saw the Beast dying. She suddenly came back to the Beast's castle.

Seeing the 'dying Beast' she began to cry. When her tear was falling on the Beast, he became a handsome prince. Beuty and Beast got married and lived happily ever after.
