Jumat, 02 November 2018

Text Modelling "Beuty and the Beast"

Once upon time, there was a beutiful girl named Beauty. She lived with her two sisters and her father in a small village. She was also a hard working girl. She always helped her father in the farm.

One day her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle. He became curious to know who lived inside and went in. While he was walking around the castle, he met nobody inside. Knowing that there was none inside, he ate the food on the table and picked the rose from the garden, for Beauty.  Then an agry beast appread and wanted to kill him unless Beauty was brought to him.

After reaching his home, Beauty's father told her to the truth. Beauty loved her father very much, so she didn't refuse what her father asked. She went to Beast's castle and lived there only with the Beast. Her groomly life had begun since then. She often tried to run away but she always successfully stopped by the Beast.

The Beast loved Beuty very much. Because of his treatment, Beauty began to like him too. One day when Beauty visiting her father in the village because of his illness, she had a dream. She saw the Beast dying. She suddenly came back to the Beast's castle.

Seeing the 'dying Beast' she began to cry. When her tear was falling on the Beast, he became a handsome prince. Beuty and Beast got married and lived happily ever after.


1. Which of the following is not true according to the text?
     a. Beauty was a hard working girl.
     b. Beauty dreamed that the Beast was dying.
     c. Beauty always helped her father in the farm.
     d. Beauty's sister and her father lived in the farm.
     e. Beauty served her father the food on the table around the castle.

2. Paragraph tree tells us about ...
     a. Beauty's gloomy life before her marriage.
     b. Beauty's successful escape from the castle.
     c. The experience of Beauty's father in old castle.
     d. Beauty's agreement with her father to marry the Beast.
     e. The Beast loved Beauty very much.

3. He became curious to know who lived inside and went in (paragraph 2). The underlined word means...
     a. ambitious
     b. optimistic
     c. eager
     d. violent
     e. vigorous

2. Paragraph 3 part is called ...
     a. Orientation
     b. Resolution
     c. Re-orientation
     d. Compilation
     e. Re-iteration

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