Jumat, 02 November 2018

Phrasal Verb (part 03)

**Sometimes a phrasal verb is followed by a preposition**


  • Phrasal Verb : Run Away
    Preposition   :  from
    Why did you run away from me?
    (kenapa kamu menjauhi saya?)
  • Phrasal Verb  : Keep up
    Preposition   :  with
    You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.
    (kamu berjalan terlalu cepat. Saya tidak bisa tetap berjalan bersama kamu)
  • Phrasal Verb  : Look up
    Preposition   :  at
    We looked up at the plane as it flew above us.
    (Kami melihat ke atas ketika pesawat terbang diatas kami)
  • Phrasal Verb : Look forward
    Preposition   :  to
    Are you looking forward to your holiday?

**Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object**

Usually there are two possible position for the object. So you can say like this :
  • turn on the light.
    - or -
  • turned the light on.
    The light is an object.
If the object is a pronoun, just only one position is possible :
  • turned it on. (CAN'T be:  I tuned on it)
Another example:
  • Could you : a. fill in this form?             b. fill this from in?
    BUT ==> They gave me a form and told me to fill it in. (NOT! fill in it)
  • Don't : a. throw away this postcard.             b. throw this postcard away.
    BUT ==> I want to keep this postcard, so don't throw it away. (NOT! throw away it)
  • I'm going to  : a. take off my shoes.           b. take my shoes off.
    BUT ==> These shoes are uncomfortable. I'm going to take them off. (NOT! take off them)
  • Don't  : a. wake up the baby.             b. wake the baby up.
    BUT ==> The baby is sleep. Do't wake her up. (NOT! wake up her)

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