Jumat, 30 November 2018

Match The words

The sentences:
1. To make somebody knight
2. To produce sound from (a brass instrument, etc)
3. A person, animal, or plant that is much smaller than usual
4. Deserving, effort, respect, etc
5. To give up
6. A man to whom title 'Sir' has been given
7. An old large building with thick walls
8. A protective metal covering the whole body in a battle
9. A piece of metal held with one hand, to protect the body when fighting
10. A man or a friend
11. A story based on the facts but having been exaggerated when retold by story telles
12. A popular story handed down orally from past generation
13. A story with something of which is hidden or impossible to understand
14. A story about small imaginary being with supernatural power
15. Animals short tale which are not based on fact

The words :
a. a knight (n)
b. a castle
c. a dwarf
d. a shield
e. a fellow
f. to surrender
g. to blow
h. worthy
i. to knight (v)
j. armor
k. a folktale
l. fairy tales
m. legend
n. fable
o. mystery

the answer:
1. i
2. e
3. c
4. h
5. f
6. a
7. b
8. j
9. d
10. e
11. m
12. k
13. o
14. l
15. n

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