Minggu, 25 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Adverbs

Adverb adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan verb (kata kerja), adjective(kata sifat), atau adverb lain.

Contoh Fungsi Adverb:
  • mendeskripsikan verb
    e.g. : I completely agree with you. 
  • mendeskripsikan adjective e.g. : The room was good enough for me
  • mendeskripsikan adverb lain
    e.g. : She speaks really fast.
Macam - Macam Adverbs:

a. Adverb of Manner (cara)

Kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan cara suatu tindakan dilakukan atau bagaimana suatu peristiwa terjadi. Adverb of manner seringnya berakhiran -ly, namun ada juga yang berbentuk sama dengan adjective dan/atau memiliki bentuk irregular pada comparative dan superlative form-nya.

How (bagaimana) dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan adverb of manner.

Contoh percakapan:
Fadlan: How did he greet you?
Reza: Enthusiastically!

Adverb of manner dapat menempati berbagai macam posisi di dalam kalimat, yaitu:
  • Setelah main verb jika tidak ada direct object
    He always drives fast. (Dia selalu mengemudi dengan cepat.)
  • Setelah main verb + object (transitive verb)He read the instructions carefully. (Dia membaca instruksi dengan hati-hati.)
  • Diantara auxiliary verb dengan main verbThings will slowly come together. (Segalanya akan secara perlahan menjadi baik.)
contoh kata, 
banyak adverb of manner merupakan -ly adverb yang diperoleh dengan menambahkan -ly pada adjective (kata sifat): 
  • accidentally (dengan tak sengaja)
  • angrily (dengan marah)
    e.g.: He was behaving angrily.
  • automatically (secara otomatis)
    e.g.: My computer shuts down automatically.
  • awkwardly (dengan canggung)
  • beautifully (dengan cantik)
  • calmly (dengan tenang)
  • carefully (secara hati-hati)e.g.: Student were listening to lecture carefully before they fill the form.
  • carelessly (secara sembarangan)e.g.: Sara is driving carelessly.
  • clearly (dengan jelas)
  • correctly (dengan benar)
  • elegantly (secara elegan)
  • enthusiastically (dengan autusias)
  • exactly (dengan tepat)
  • fast (dengan cepat)
  • fluently (dengan lancar)e.g.: I can speak English fluently. (Saya dapat berbicara bahasa inggris dengan lancar.)
  • frankly (secara terus terang)
  • gently (secara lembut)e.g.: Wipe your LCD screen gently.
  • greedily (dengan lahap)
  • happily (dengan bahagia)e.g.: They are living happily in small village.
  • hard (dengan keras)e.g.: He wanted to know the difference between working hard and working smart.
  • healthily (secara sehat)
  • inadequately (secara tidak memadai)
  • mysteriously (secara misterius)
  • neatly (dengan rapi)
  • nicelye.g.: She completed her work nicely.
  • openly (secara terbuka)
  • painfully (dengan menyakitkan)
  • patiently (dengan sabar)
  • poorly (dengan buruk)
  • promptly (dengan cepat)
  • quickly (dengan cepat)e.g.: My mother got up early and cooked breakfast quickly.
  • rarely (jarang)
  • regularly (dengan teratur)
  • seriously (dengan serius)
  • slowly (dengan lambat)
  • successfully (dengan sukses)
  • suddenly (secara tiba-tiba)
  • sympatheticallye.g.: She treats the kids sympathetically.
  • tenderly (dengan lembut)
  • thoughtly (dengan serius)
  • together (bersama-sama)e.g.: Let’s have lunch together.
  • unexpectedly (dengan tidak diduga-duga)
  • well (dengan baik)e.g.: It’s important to chew your food well. (Mengunyah makananmu dengan baik itu penting.)
  • wisely (dengan bijak)
Untuk adjective yang sudah berakhiran -ly, adverbial of manner (single-adverb dan konstruksi selain single-adverb yang berfungsi sebagai adverb) dapat dibentuk menggunakan prepositional phrase in … a way dan like …
  • in a friendly way (dengan cara yang bersahabat)
    e.g.: He smiled in a friendly way. (Dia tersenyum dengan ramah.)
  • in a lovely way (dengan cara yang indah)
  • in a silly way (dengan cara konyol)
  • like a child (seperti anak-anak)
    e.g.: I don’t know why some adults act like a child. (Saya tidak tahu kenapa sebagian orang dewasa bertingkah seperti anak-anak.)
  • like a crazy person (seperti orang gila)
  • like a single man (seperti pria lajang)
  • like a politician (seperti politisi)

b. Adverb of Place & Direction (tempat & arah)

adverb (kata keterangan) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tempat dan arah terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. Adapula adverbial berupa prepositional phrase (berupa preposition of place) yang dapat berfungsi seperti adverb of place.
Where dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menunjukkan adverb of place and direction.

here, somewhere
He is watching the football match there.
(Dia sedang menonton pertandingan sepakbola disana.)

Contoh Adverb (ial) of Place and Direction : 
  • here (di sini/ke sini)
    there (di sana/ke sana)
    He is watching the football match there.
    Students were coming here.
  • in... (di ... )
    Alma works in Bandung for a while.
  • north (utara)
    south (selatan)
    east (timur)
    west (barat)
    My apartment faces north. (Apartemen saya menghadap utara.)
  • north of… (utara dari…)
    south of… (selatan dari…)
    east of… (timur dari…)
    west of ... (barat dari ...)
    They built a house ten miles west of Cilegon. 
  • to ... (ke ...)
    I’m on a flight to Jakarta.
  • above (di atas)
    upstairs (di atas)
    below (di bawah)
    back (di belakang)
    around (sekeliling)
    The jet plane flew above.
  • away (jauh)
    near (dekat)
    She lives away from her parents.
    Kids are playing near the house.
  • outside (diluar)
    inside (didalam)
    Some is talking outside.
    Please come inside.
  • somewhere (di suatu tempat)
    everywhere (dimana-mana)
    You can find the mineral water everywhere.
    They live somewhere in Paris.

c. Adverb of Time (waktu)

Adverb yang digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau suatu peristiwa.

When dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menunjukkan adverb of time.
Fadlan: When did you last see her?
Reza: It's Yesterday.

  • two days ago (dua hari lalu),
    a month ago (satu bulan lalu)
     I met her two days ago.
  • already (sudah) 
  • before dark, before midnight (sebelum gelap, sebelum tengah malam) 
  • early (awal; sebelum waktunya) 
  • finally (akhirnya; setelah waktu yang lama) 
  • from … to/until … (dari…sampai) 
  • in the 20th century (abad keduapuluh),
    in the past (di masa lalu) 
  • last tuesday/week/month/year (selasa/minggu/bulan/tahun lalu)
     I received a package from Arifin last week.
  • later (nanti) 
  • next week/month/year (minggu/bulan/tahun depan) 
  • now (sekarang)
     Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm diving. 
  • recently (baru saja)
     He recently discovered that his committed partner has been deceiving him. (Dia baru-baru ini menemukan bahwa rekannya yang berkomitmen telah menipunya.)
  • since 1983 (sejak 1983),
    since yesterday (sejak kemarin)
     The factory has opered since 1983
  • then (pada saat itu (di masa lalu atau masa depan))
     She was poor then. (Dia miskin pada saat itu.)
  • today (hari ini, pada saat ini) 
  • tomorrow (besok), tomorrow morning (besok pagi)
     They're arriving tomorrow.
  • tonight (malam ini) 
  • yesterday (kemarin),
    yesterday morning/afternoon/night (kemarin pagi/siang/malam)
    I met him yesterday.
    It rained heavily yesterday afternoon, but tonight the sky is clear.
  • soon
     Reza will come soon.
  • still (tetap)
     I am still waiting for my friend.

Task : Arrange the adverbs normally in MPT/ PMT (Manner, Place, Time) Position. 
  • Daily (weekly,regularly, often, each Tuesday, etc.etc.) is not an adjective of time, it is an adjective of manner - it tells you how it is done, not when:
      I go to the gym regularly/daily at two o'clock. (PMT)
      ........ place.............manner...........time
  • The order "Manner, Place, Time" (which I always thought was Place, Manner, Time) usually concerns adjuncts and is the generalized standard version and does not take into account emphasis, which is created when one of the elements is taken out of the default order.
      I went to London by train in the evening. - Normal version (PMT)
      in the evening, I went to London by train - emphasising what was done in the evening. (TPM)
      I went by train in the evening to London - emphasising the destination. (MTP)
      I went by train to London in the evening - emphasising the method of travel. (MPT)

  1. Joko worked (at his office, yesterday, very hard)
    MPT : Joko worked very hard at his office yesterday.
    PMT : Joko worked at his office very hard yesterday.
  2. Dony arrived (at 7 p.m, in Jakarta, on Saturday, by train)
    MPT : Dony arrived by train in Jakarta at 7 p.m on Saturday.
    PMT : Dony arrived in Jakarta by train at 7 p.m on Saturday.
    On Saturday,  Dony arrived in Jakarta by train at 7 p.m.
  3. Our teacher spoke to us (rudely, during the first session, in front of the class)
    MPT : Our teacher spoke to us rudely in front of the class during the first session.
    PMT : Our teacher spoke to us in front of the class rudely during the first session.
  4. She went (at 6 O'clock, this morning, to school, hurriedly)
    MPT : She went hurriedly to school at 6 o'clock this morning.
    PMT : She went to school hurriedly at 6 o'clock this morning.
  5. The bomb exploded (in this place, loudly, at 5 O'clock, on Sunday, last summer)
    MPT : The bomb exploded loudly in this place at 5 o'clock on Sunday last summer.
    PMT : The bomb exploded in this place loudly at 5 o'clock  on Sunday last summer.
    Last summer, a bomb exploded in this place loudly on Sundayat 5 o'clock. 

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