Rabu, 21 November 2018


Multiple Choice

1. Ann : What did you feel when you entered ghist house?
    Ali : I was ...
    a. so happy
    b. crazy
    c. confused
    d. annoyed
    e. so afraid 

2. We must change the way cities spend their money. The synonym of underlined word is ...
    a. alter
    b. make up
    c. form
    d. return
    e. hold

3. Ann : Ferry, what is your opinion about her birthday party?
    Ferry : ....
    a. In my opinion, the party is interesting.
    b. I think the party is celebrated every year.
    c. I don't think about that.
    d. I think that is not my business.
    e. Yes,I agree with you.

4. Ann : Rin, what wereypu doing when I phoned your mother last night?
    Rini : I ... TV.
    a. am watching
    b. was watching
    c. have watched
    d. will watch
    e. watch

5. He knows only a little English, ... he is able to do good business.
    a. unless
    b. since
    c. but
    d. moreover
    e. therefore

6. ... Fadlan seldom attends classes, he is always one of the best students in class.
    a. whenever
    b. since
    c. if
    d. although
    e. because

7. Did I tell you about the girl ... I met during the student demontration last week?
    a. who
    b. whose
    c. whom
    d. of which
    e. with whom

8. The lady ... this letter is addressed has moved to another city.
    a. who
    b. to which
    c. to whom
    d. which
    e. whom

9. ... a few thousand dollars, he went on a tout to Europe.
    a. having saved
    b. he has saved
    c. after he saves
    d. have saved
    e. saved

10. Reza : Please wait here, honey. I'll try to find some help down there.
    Rini : Don't leave me alone! .......
    a. I'm happy to be here.
    b. I's so afraid to be here
    c. I'm so disappointed
    d. I'm so embarrased
    e. I like the idea

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