Rabu, 28 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Conjunction

We commonly join words, phrases or sentences together in a narrative. The words to join clauses are called conjunctions.

e.g. :

  • I hang the poor creature untill it was dead.
  • I soon began to dislike the cat  because it often stared at me with a strange and hatred look.
  • After my wife had been buried in the wall, the police came to my house.

Task : Join up the following sentences using the suitable conjunctions, leaving out words where necessary.
  1. She would not agree to do it. We persuaded her. We even begged her.
    She would not agree to do it but we persuaded her because we even begged her.
  2. She is an intelligent girl. She failed in the examination. She is lazy.
    She is an intelligent girl but she failed in the examination because she is lazy.
  3. I was hot. I was tired. I had been walking under the sun for two kilometers!
    I was hot and tired because I had been walking under the sun for two kilometers!
  4. Reza fell down from his bicycle. He hurt himself. He did not cry.
    Reza fell down from his bicycle and hurt himself, but he didn't cry.
  5. We could not come on time. We started early. There was a traffic jam on the highway.
    We couldn't come on time but we started early because there was a traffic jam on the highway.
Task : Fill in the blank with the appropriate conjunction in the box below.
  1. The citizens are becoming more and more angry with the police after the accidents occur at the intersection.
  2. I will sign the check just as you leave.
  3. I have been wearing glasses whenever I was in the elementary school.
  4. The child didn't stop crying before his mother gave him money.
  5. Once we watched movie, we went to the restaurant.
  6. Auntie Tan was sleeping since Uncle Chan was working.
  7. Until you understand the rule, you will have no difficulty.
  8. I know the accident exactly because the accident happened while I opened the window.

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