Selasa, 27 November 2018

Grammar Focus - Relative Clause

Relative Clause : who, whom, which, while, when, where

Relative clauses are non-essential parts of a sentence. They may add meaning, but if they are removed, the sentence will still function grammatically. There are two broad types of relative clauses in English. It is important to distinguish between them because it affects the choice of pronoun used to introduce the clause. There is a more detailed page about preposition placement in relative clauses.

Task : Join the following sentences using conjunctions or relative pronouns where it is suitable.
e.g. :
We went to the bookshop. The bookshop is in a shopping complex. The bookshop near our house was closed.
We went to the bookshop which is in a shopping complex because the bookshop near our house was closed.
  1. The maid found the key. She was sweeping the floor. It was hidden under the cupboard.
    The maid found the key when she was sweeping the floor which it was hidden under the cupboard.
  2. Andrian did not win the singles badminton competition. He tried his best. That is more important.
    Andrian did not win the singles badminton competition who tried his best, so that is more important.
  3. He was sitting under the tree. His faithful dog was buried there. The dog had been more than a friend to him.
    He was sitting under the tree and his faithful dog was buried there which had been more than a friend to him.
  4. It started to rain. The boys continued the game. They needed the last goal to determine the winner.
    It started to rain when the boys continued the game because they needed the last goal to determine the winner.
  5. They cut down the tree. The tree grows in front of our house. More light can come in.
    They cut down the tree which the tree grows in front of our house when more light can come in.

Task: Use the phrases in the box to continue the statements. Use who, which, or that to connect them. Change the form of the words.

a. watch a show, game, etc.
b. fall in love with the woman
c. can't control his/her fear
d. difficult to answer
e. married to my brother
f. very naughty at first
g. have special knowledge
h. wrote many fables
i. usually appear in folklores
j. put on a disguise
  1. A prince, a witch, and a gint are characters usually appear in folklores.
  2. The king have special knowledge realy loved his people.
  3. Pinokio, very naughty at first, finally changed into a good boy.
  4. Spectators are people watch a show, game, etc.
  5. Aesop is the person wrote many fables.
  6. A coward is a person wrote many fables.
  7. My sister-in-law is someone fall in love with the woman.
  8. An expert is a person put on a disguise.
  9. Prince James, married to my brother, will mary her soon.
  10. A puzzle is a problem difficult to answer.

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